If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.

Story #3: “I slipped so did I fail?”

Story #3: I fell off the wagon. Now I feel like a loser. How long will it take for me to get this right?



  • Don’t beat yourself up. Most people don’t stay quit after just one try. So you’re in good company.
  • If you slip and use tobacco a couple times, think about what might have triggered you to use tobacco. Add it to your quit plan. You can get right back on track, even if you slipped.
  • Take this as an opportunity to stay quit in the face of tough times by choosing alternative activities [PDF 253KB] to replace situations where you are often tempted to use tobacco.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 988 and press 1, or Text 838255. You can also call 911.